Helping Someone You Love Cope with Loss
At some point in our lives we lose someone we love. Sadly, most of us don’t know how to provide true comfort to someone who is going through the grieving process. Sometimes our attempts to help do more harm than good. This seminar will help you learn how grieving affects people, and what you can do to support a friend or family member on their grief journey.
What you will discover:
- What people who are grieving need most from you
- What never to say to someone who is grieving
- How to be a compassionate listener
- How to make hard days (holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, family celebrations) easier
- Different types of support and how long support will be
- Practical resources for people who are grieving
Please let me know when the
Supporting Someone on their Grief Journey Seminar will be in my area.
Please contact me to discuss holding the
Supporting Someone on their Grief Journey Seminar in my area.